Terms and Conditions Questionnaire — Lion Bridge ad accessor Application

4 min readJul 19, 2011

Please ensure you read through all documentation sent to you regarding the position before completing this Questionnaire.

To avoid any delays in processing your application please ensure that you read and understand the Gmail Account Requirements before completing this part of the questionnaire:

In Question 5 you are asked to enter your Personal Gmail Account — this must be your Primary Gmail account for everyday use.In Question 6 you are asked to provide your newly created Work Gmail Account — this must be a new account that you set up specifically for working on this project.

When choosing a username for your new Work Gmail account, please select one that meets all of the following conditions:Includes LB at the beginning Does not contain your first or last name Does not contain any personal details Does not contain nicknames

An appropriate Work Gmail would be any of the following:
lb purple1234@gmail.com

An inappropriate Work Gmail would be any of the following:

Please visit www.gmail.com to create your new account.

You will need to accept all of the Terms and Conditions outlined in this Questionnaire if you wish to proceed with your application.

Do you accept the terms and conditions as outlined in the attached Contractor Agreement?
Do you accept the rate of pay for this opportunity?
Do you agree to the terms of the attached Search Waiver document?
Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of the attached Location Based Rating Agreement.
*Yes, I understand and accept these terms & conditions and choose to participate in this task type.

Please enter your Personal Gmail Address below:
Please enter your newly created Work Gmail Address for the Internet Ads Assessor Program below:
Please confirm that you currently own and use an Android or iOS Smartphone and are willing to complete tasks on this device?
*Yes, I confirm I own and use an Android and/or iOS Smartphone and am willing to complete tasks on this device
A requirement of this opportunity is that you have a bank account in your own name in your country of residence. Please confirm that you meet this requirement?
*Yes I meet this requirement
Do you accept that you must be registered as a self-employed individual, responsible for payment of your tax for this opportunity and will work as an independent contractor?
*Yes I understand and accept
Lionbridge frequently monitors around our program’s compliance. Any examples of misrepresentation on your application form will be considered as fraud and will result in termination of your services agreement with the company. This may result in non-payment for services provided to protect the integrity of our customer’s data. Please confirm you accept this?
*I accept
The use of VPNs, Proxy Servers, IP Unblockers, Hosting Services or any software that may route your internet traffic outside of your country of residence are strictly prohibited throughout the application process, exam and when onboard this program. Intentional use of these services whilst working on the program will result in termination of your services agreement with the company and in non-payment for services provided to protect the integrity of our customer’s data. Do you accept this?
*I accept
Your work on this program must be of an individual nature and completed in private. Sharing of materials or answers is strictly prohibited either during the exam or whilst working on the program. The use of multiple accounts, working with others in the same location or remotely are strictly prohibited to maintain the integrity of the data of our program. If you are found to be in breach of this it will result in termination of your services agreement with the company and in non-payment for services provided to protect the integrity of our customer’s data. Do you accept this?
*I accept
Can you please confirm that you are 18 years of age or older?
Can you confirm that all of the details you have supplied to date are correct?
* Yes

Originally published at https://lahari.net on July 19, 2011.

